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Gay organizations not happy with the new Bulgarian Family code

Few Bulgarian gay organizations state that the new Family code is not liberal and contemporary enough for the needs of their society. They are upset that it did not acknowledge the homosexual couples…

The Parliament passed the amendments in the Bulgarian Trade Registry act

According to the already voted by the National assembly amendment a solicitor or authorized employee could file application for registration or for changes in the company on the manager’s behalf. This…

The Bulgarian national assembly passed the amendments in the Commerce act

The parliament included in its week agenda the Commerce act’s amendments by which the capital needed for company registration shall be decreased to minimum. The bill was proposed by Martin Dimitrov…

The Bulgarian Constitutional court started proceeding against legislation that allows only master degree pharmacists to own chemist’s shops

The Constitutional court let the examination of claim filed by the national ombudsman for proclaiming for unconstitutional a text from the Medicinal Products in the Humane Medicine Act stating that only…

Jurists warned about a hole in the Value Added Tax Act

A serious hole in law according to one of the most important state taxes – VAT, was discovered by the Bulgarian jurists. Instead of being obstructive to conmen who drain VAT the new art.176 of the Value…

Integration of uninsured persons in the Health system should be more impede

The Parliament is discussing new precautionary measures against indecorous patients. According to Ms Antonia Parvanova - deputy of NDSV, all people who have not paid health insurance should be drawn in…

Ministry of Labour suggested the average pension age to be 68 years

The average pension age shall be 68 years. This foresees the present work load strategy of the Ministry of Labour and Social Politics for the period 2008-2015. By the end of the period the coefficient…

Change bureaus shall register in the National Revenue agency from April 1st

From April 1st change bureaus shall register at the National Revenue Agency. Change bureaus were previously registered at the Financial investigation agency. The alteration is caused by the amendments…

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