”Make a change”campaign in Bulgaria
Last update: 2008-08-22 06:27:16
A climate change campaign was organised by Bulgarian representation in the European Commission (EC). Its purpose is to explain to society, especially the youth, how insignificant changes in our daily habits can give a significant support of decreasing the negative consequences of climate change. "Turn off, decrease, walk" was the slogan that the EC chose for the campaign. As it was initiated mainly for children and young people, there were many interactive games, rewards and entertaining presentations. As for the adults, information materials and spontaneous discussions about environmental problems were provided.
The European Union was pronounced to be the global actor in such environmental campaigns so the abovementioned activity's idea also was trying to encourage others to join the fight against global warming. The EC has approved a program with three main aims:
• Decrease of greenhouse gas emissions; • Increase of renewable energy sources; • Higher energy efficiency in all EU member states. Bulgaria is the EU member with the lowest energy efficiency, but also the second that has preserved its biodiversity and natural habitats. According to a Eurobarometer survey 56 per cent of Bulgarian citizens are ready to decrease their energy consumption.