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The preservation of financial stability remains the main priority of the Bulgarian Prime Minister
Last update: 2009-02-19 05:53:51

The preservation of financial stability remains the main priority of the Bulgarian Prime Minister

The preservation of financial stability in the country remains the main priority in the anti-crisis policy of all Bulgarian institutions. The Prime Minister Mr Sergey Stanishev announced the start of the economic forum "The Bulgarian Development in the circumstances of the global financial and economy crisis" on which he hosts. He presented the precaution measurements that the Government has undertaken to keep the Bulgarian economy stable.

The Prime Minister Mr Stanishev pointed out that today Bulgaria is very lightly affected by the crisis for comparison with USA and most of the EU countries.

The Currency Board is a constant in the Bulgarian Government's policy and it will remain that way. The Bulgarian Government would like to keep the board until Bulgaria enters the euro zone. Mr stanishev assuered the present that an increase of the tax burden is not foreseen but even its decrease.

On the "The Bulgarian Development in the circumstances of the global financial and economy crisis" forum were also present the President of Bulgaria Mr Georgi Parvanov, the Bulgarian Parliament's chairman Mr Georgi Pirinski, deputies, ministers, Sofia's mayor Mr Boiko Borisov and other non-government representatives.

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