The issuance of documents and submission of claims in Bulgarian courts could be possible by electronic means
Last update: 2009-07-22 00:35:46

On a round table organized by the Supreme Judicial Council draft regulations were discussed concerning the use of electronic documents and electronic signature. The event is within a project financed by the "Administrative capacity" program and the European Union. The proposed changes in the legislation are supposed to regulate the use of electronic document and electronic signature. In this way the citizens will be able to file claims and appeals electronically. Soon a regulation for the form of the e-documents will be drafted. The project also includes development and implementation of specialized software for monitoring and controlling the activities of experts and upgrading information systems for management of the litigation. One of the highlights that were discussed in the event was the question for amendments in the Judiciary System Act. It is expected that in the bill for amendments will be included the opportunity to exercise procedural rights electronically after approval of the Bulgarian Supreme Judicial Council and of course if the relevant authority is technically prepared. The creation of a single portal for e-justice is also proposed.