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The incomes of the Bulgarian households increased with nine percent
Last update: 2009-05-22 00:47:14

The incomes of the Bulgarian households increased with nine percent

The Bulgarian statistics institute announced that the incomes of the Bulgarian households increased with nine percent for the last year.

The major part of the family`s incomes are formed from salaries and pensions. The salaries represent 54.8 % of the whole family budget, while the pensions - 26.9 %. The earnings from self employment decreased with 1.3 % compared to the same period last year.

According to the Statistics Institute largest is the share of the expenses for food and bills - energy, gas, water - almost 50 % percent of all expenses. Compared to last year the expenses for health care have increased with 10 %. Meanwhile the amount of money spends on transport and phone taxes have decreased with 6.8 %. The Bulgarian households have spend more than 10 % less for clothing and shoes.

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