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The Bulgarian parties shall have a public register for their donators
Last update: 2009-04-22 07:24:30

The Bulgarian parties shall have a public register for their donators

The Bulgarian Parliament forbade the use of self phones, cameras and other equipment that can be used to capture the way of voting on the forthcoming in July national elections. The showing of the voting-papers after they are filled is not allowed.

The National Assembly also forbade the parties to finance their pre-election campaigns with recourses from juridical persons, one-man merchants, as well as foreign physical persons and religious institutions. Donations could be made from Bulgarian physical persons. All donations and expenses, related to the pre-election campaign for amounts over 5 000 BGN should be made through via bank transfer.

The parties, coalitions and enterprising committees should make a public register of their donators. Those registers will be revised for correspondence between the declared incomes and the expenses that they have really made.
The deposit for participating in the elections becomes 50 000 BGN for a party, 100 000 BGN for coalitions and 15 000 BGN for enterprising committees.

Every campaign material will contain the information that vote buying is a crime.

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