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The Bulgarian National Assembly discussed amendments in the Family code
Last update: 2009-04-28 06:55:20

The Bulgarian National Assembly discussed amendments in the Family code

The new Family code should introduce significant changes in the social relationships. The most disputed novelty is the institute of the factual living together of man and a woman. The status of the children born under this institute shall be equalized with the status of the children born in marriage. The Bulgarian church has arguments against that change, but the purpose of that novelty is to give the people right to choose. Moreover the amount of couples living without marriage increases every year and they should be provided with better legal protection.

The new Family code shall institute three different property regimes during the marriage - of community, of division and of marriage settlement. The spouses shall be given the chance to choose the property regime they prefer before they conclude the marriage or change it after the marriage is concluded.

Third matter of great importance is question of adoption. The new Family code shall make the entering of children into the adoption registers faster and easier - just an act from the social services will be required, and none act from the court will be needed. This will give the children the opportunity to find a new home faster. For first time in the Bulgarian family code there is introduced a time limit for determination of adopters. For Bulgarian adopters the time limit is one month and for foreigners - 60 days. The requirement that children adopted from foreigners shall be over one year drops out as well.

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