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What are the complimentary documents needed for a notary deal for transfer of Bulgarian real estate in order to minimize the Buyer’s risk?
Last update: 2008-05-09 06:18:18

What are the complimentary documents needed for a notary deal for transfer of Bulgarian real estate in order to minimize the Buyer’s risk?

•    Certificate for absence of encumbrances;
•    Certificate for absence of restitutional claims;
•    Certificate that the real estate is not municipal or government property;
•    Certificate for marital status;
•    Certificate for inheritance;
•    Divorce certificate;
•    Personal ID of the other spouse in case of sale of personal Bulgarian real estate;
•    Certificate of absence of a started procedure of insolvency for the Seller or the Constructor;
•    Certificate of absence of a started procedure of bankruptcy for the Seller or the Constructor.

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