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Could I calculate my notary expenses approximately?
Last update: 2008-05-09 07:10:30

Could I calculate my notary expenses approximately?

You would not be able to calculate your notary expenses without a consultation with a professional (solicitor, real estate broker or notary public).
The main expenses for a notary transfer of a Bulgarian real estate are as follows:
• Local tax (payable to the municipality) - between 2% and 4% of the total purchase price appearing on the notary deed depending on the municipality where the property is located and the notary deal is held
• Notary fee (payable to the notary public) - up to 3000 Bulgarian leva depending on the Bulgarian equivalent of the total purchase price
• Registry fee (payable to the Registry agency) - 0,1% of the Bulgarian equivalent of the total purchase price
• Some incidental additional expenses would appear with regard to the notary transfer such as: notary fees for notarization and apostillization of powers of attorney and declarations (if you don't attend personally at the deal), notary fees for certification of some additional copies of documents, bank commissions for transfer of funds, bank commissions for currency exchange, fee of certified translator (if you attend personally at the deal and do not speak Bulgarian language), Bulstat registrations, post courier services
• Legal and brokerage fee - as stipulated between you and your solicitor or real estate broker.

Please, note that you should ask for receipts for all of the above-mentioned expenses as well a detailed report what was spent on your behalf.


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