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Are there any limitations for a foreign person (individual or legal entity) to register a company in Bulgaria?
Last update: 2008-05-09 06:35:40

Are there any limitations for a foreign person (individual or legal entity) to register a company in Bulgaria?

The foreign persons could carry out trade activity and invest in Bulgaria with the same conditions applied as for the Bulgarian citizens and legal entities. There are very few explicitly regulated legal exceptions.
The foreign persons (individuals and legal entities) could register Bulgarian companies without any additional requirements. The Bulgarian companies registered by foreign persons are considered to be local persons. There are not any limitations that are applicable to them regarding the acquiring of real estate rights, including land ownership. The repatriation of incomes is regulated in a number of bilateral international contracts. These contracts guarantee the transfer abroad of direct incomes of trade activity in Bulgaria after payment of relevant tax as well as the received amounts with regard to termination and liquidation of the company.

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