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Foreign solicitors are not preferred in Bulgaria
Last update: 2009-01-23 08:35:05

Foreign solicitors are not preferred in Bulgaria

As the European Directive allows to attorneys from all EU member-states to work and represent in Bulgaria some of the biggest European law firms set branches in the state.

Although some clients may think that they will receive better representation from familiar to them companies this is not the exact situation in Bulgaria. Since the Bulgarian law system (Continental) is different from the British and American (Anglo-Saxon) systems you cannot expect a British solicitor to have the power and authorization to represent you in a Bulgarian court. They are not legally able to represent a client in court and also are not responsible and liable as Bulgarian solicitors. Since the foreign law companies register in Bulgaria as consultant companies they are only bound to what they consulted you. The consultation cannot be held as a legal advice. This means that if you receive a bad consultation and bad legal advice from a branch of a foreign solicitor's company in Bulgaria it will be totally on your account and expense.

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Contact Solicitor Bulgaria

Phone numbers:

Email: info@solicitorbulgaria.com
Web site: www.solicitorbulgaria.com

Office address:
Coutry: Bulgaria
City: Sofia
Street Address: Region Sredets, 7 Slaveikov Square, Entrance B, Floor 2, Ap. 19
Post Code: 1000
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